Baby swimming

Sign up for babyswimming

We have groups in Uusimaa, Pohjanmaa and on Åland. Please contact us at to find out more

Contiuous reservations to our groups

The baby swimming groups operate on a continuous basis and you are welcome to start whenever it is convenient for you. 

To see my baby growing, improving and enjoying... this is priceless family time.

When you want to give something special – a gift card to baby or family swimming!

The family that receives the gift gets to experience the wonderful world of baby swimming guided by our professional instructors. At the same time, the child learns to act safely in the water by means of play.

For more information about gift cards and baby swimming groups, please call our office at +358 9 315 5532 or send email to

Presentkort för babysim. På bilden simmar en glad baby tillsammans med sin förälder.


About baby and family swimming

Baby swimming can be introduced when a baby is 3 months old and weighs at least 5 kilograms. There is no upper age limit. In a baby swimming group we reserve places for the baby and two adults. For families with more than one child, we run sibling swimming groups: In these groups, places are reserved for one baby plus one or more siblings younger than 7 years of age, and two adults. We also organise swimming groups for older children.