Other Publications and Presentations

Other Publications and Presentations

1) A literature review was conducted for the Naturkraft research project in order to identify what is already known about green exercise and its benefits for children.

Literature Review for Naturkraft-project (PDF).

2) The research project has continuously collaborated with the health promoting project Naturkraft. Research and results have been implemented into the health promoting project Naturkraft. A presentation in November 2021 gives an overall view of the research project results so far, and it is presented here.

3) The research project has been a part of the needs assessment for the health promotion project. The process of the health promotion project was presented at the International Congress on Salutogenesis, Girona, Spain 17-18.6.2021. The presentation can be viewed here.  

4) The results from the Naturkraft research project were presented at Ulos–Ut– Out – Outdoor learning conference in Finland in June 15th-17th 2021.