Annual report 2020
Folkhälsan Research Center focuses on biomedical and health science research. Altogether 246 original papers were published during 2020, a significant portion of them in high impact journals. Some highlights of the publications – reflecting the diversity of our research – are summarized in this annual report.
Facts About the Center
The Folkhälsan Research Center is organized in two Research Programs:
The Genetics Research Program (The Folkhälsan Institute of Genetics; Director Anna-Elina Lehesjoki) operates in the Folkhälsan owned premises in Biomedicum Helsinki on the Meilahti campus of the University of Helsinki.
The Public Health Research Program (Director Johan Eriksson) mainly operates in the Folkhälsan Health Promotion Unit, also located in the Meilahti area.
The number of scientists and other personnel affiliated with the Center is approximately 200.