Doctoral Theses

Doctoral Theses 2023

Seven doctoral students from the Genetics Research Program and three from the Public Health Research Program defended their doctoral theses at the University of Helsinki. One student from the Public Health Research Program defended her doctoral thesis at Tampere University.

Sini Sulkama: Risk factors of canine ADHD-like and repetitive behaviour. Folkhälsan Research Center, University of Helsinki 3.2.2023. Supervisor: Hannes Lohi.

Mia Eriksson: Melancholia or not; The mysterious differences in depression. A study of pathophysiological differences between depressive subtypes – findings from the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study. Folkhälsan Research Center, University of Helsinki 21.4.2023. Supervisors: Merja Laine, Päivi Korhonen. 

Elina Tuovinen: Phenotypic and mechanistic clues to inborn errors of immunity. Folkhälsan Research Center, University of Helsinki, HUS Helsinki University Hospital 2.6.2023. Supervisors: Juha Kere, Juha Grönholm, Mikko Seppänen.

Riikka Pajulahti: Individual perspective to the world of food – Studies on temperament, food environment and diet amongst children. Folkhälsan Research Center, University of Helsinki 12.6.2023. Supervisors: Carola Ray, Maijaliisa Erkkola, Katarina Salmela-Aro.

Eduard Daura Sarroca: Role of cystatin B in the regulation of histone H3 tail proteolysis in the mouse brain – study on the molecular mechanisms of progressive myoclonus epilepsy type 1. Folkhälsan Research Center, University of Helsinki 21.6.2023. Supervisors: Anna-Elina Lehesjoki, Tarja Joensuu.

Maria Enlund-Cerullo: Vitamin D metabolism in early childhood; associations with genetic variants and biomarkers. Folkhälsan Research Center, University of Helsinki 8.9.2023. Supervisors: Outi Mäkitie, Sture Andersson.

Mari Laakso: Flourishing students and families – Enhancing well-being of adolescents and families through positive psychology interventions. Folkhälsan Research Center, University of Helsinki 19.9.2023. Supervisors: Anu-Katriina Pesonen, Åse Fagerlund.

Niina-Maria Nissinen: A longitudinal register-based cohort study on secondary education, financial difficulties and mood and neurotic disorders in youth with prenatal substance exposure. Folkhälsan Research Center, Tampere University 13.10.2023. Supervisors: Arja Rimpelä, Anne Maarit Koponen, Kirsimarja Raitasalo.

Jenny Wadén: sRAGE and genetic variations at the HLA locus in type 1 diabetes, its complications, and mortality. Folkhälsan Research Center, University of Helsinki 24.11.2023. Supervisor: Per-Henrik Groop.

Perttu Liuska: Myocilin and the genetics of open-angle glaucoma in Finland. Folkhälsan Research Center, University of Helsinki 1.12.2023. Supervisors: Joni Turunen, Mika Harju.

Jonatan Borchers: Primary adrenal insufficiency: epidemiological aspects and associating features in APECED. Folkhälsan Research Center, University of Helsinki 15.12.2023. Supervisors: Outi Mäkitie, Saila Laakso.