XAGE – Exercise and Aging

XAGE – Exercise and Aging

XAGE study aims to investigate how physical exercise affects aging in 50-70-year-old adults

The XAGE study addresses to the global challenge of rapid population aging which we are experiencing also in Finland. Physically active lifestyle and physical exercise are important ways to advance healthy aging. The XAGE-study is a 6-month physical exercise intervention study. Our study aims to investigate how physical exercise affects different aspects of biological aging, especially how old one appears physiologically, i.e. what is one’s biological age. Secondary aims include the examination of the effects of physical exercise on other phenotypic markers of aging such as functional capacity, physical performance, blood biomarkers, telomere length and epigenetic clocks. We will additionally investigate if some baseline factors such as genetic risk factors are associated with factors describing aging process and physical activity.

The XAGE study is conducted in the metropolitan area in Finland. During 2023 and 2024 we will recruit 150 physically inactive 50–70-year-old adults who don’t smoke and don’t have major chronic diseases.

The XAGE study will provide new data on the effects of physical exercise on longevity and aging by using both established and novel markers of aging and how these are intertwined with each other. We except that the gained knowledge can be translated into clinical practice and that our study helps to advance the current knowledge on how physical exercise could promote healthy aging in adults approaching later life.

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Principal Investigator

Niko Wasenius, PhD, PT, Adjunct Professor


Merja K. Laine, MD, DMSc, Adjunct Professor

Tuija Mikkola, PhD, Adjunct Professor

Hannu Kautiainen, Statistician

Ilkka Nissilä, PhD

Hanna Jantunen, MD, DMSc (Postdoctoral Scientist)

Katri Ruutu, MSc (PhD Student)

Scientific and Senior Advisor

Johan G. Eriksson, MD, DMSc, Professor

Samfundet Folkhälsan

Medicinska Understödsföreningen Liv och Hälsa

Finska Läkaresällskapet

the Finnish Cultural Foundation

Päivikki and Sakari Sohlberg Foundation


    • Niko Wasenius

      PhD, PT, Docent

    • Contact
    • Katri Ruutu

      MSc (PhD student)

    • Tel:
      044 488 30 30

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