Professor Outi Mäkitie, lead researcher in the Folkhälsan research group in genetic determinants for osteoporosis, has been awarded the Steven Boonen Clinical Research Award 2020 by the European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS). The award is granted to medical doctors who have contributed to significant advances in clinical bone disease research.
Read more on ECTS's websiteProfessor Outi Mäkitie, who leads Folkhälsans research group in genetic determinants for osteoporosis, received her medical degree from the University of Helsinki in 1986, completed her specialization in pediatrics in 1998 and finished the pediatric endocrinology program in 2000. After a three-year clinical research fellowship at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada, Mäkitie worked as head of the metabolic bone clinic, at the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Helsinki University Hospital until 2013.
In 2013–2015 Mäkitie served as a visiting researcher at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. Since 2015, Mäkitie is Sigrid Jusélius professor of Pediatric Endocrinology, chief physician at the Children's Hospital at the University of Helsinki, and visiting professor of pediatric endocrinology at Karolinska Institutet. For the academic year of 2018–2019 Mäkitie joined Professor Valérie Cormier-Daire's research group at Institut Imagine and Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, Université Paris Descartes, France.
"I am very pleased and honored to receive this prestigious award, a recognition to my entire research group. Our group has over the years carried out several studies on genetic defects and clinical factors underlying skeletal disorders, with main interests being early-onset primary and secondary osteoporosis, skeletal dysplasias, and vitamin D. Our research has aimed to increase understanding of disease mechanisms in bone diseases that involve children. By obtaining more data regarding the causative factors, predisposing genetic variants, natural course of the disorders and treatment responses we can improve means for prevention and early diagnosis, and provide optimal and timely management in childhood-onset skeletal disorders. This esteemed award will certainly further encourage us in this research", says professor Mäkitie.
Professor Mäkitie has conducted pioneering research on skeletal diseases and has authored nearly 300 scientific articles.
Simon Granroth, Science Communicator