Contact information

Folkhälsan’s contact information

You can find contact information for our activity locations by clicking the location’s image.

You can find contact information for organised activities by searching for the course or event in question. 

You will find contact information for the legal companies further down. 

Folkhälsan’s local associations have their own contact persons. You will find contact information on the associations’ own web pages

Samfundet Folkhälsan

    • Karin Lassenius

      CEO’s Assistant

    • Tel:
      +358 44 788 5990

    • Contact

Press and media

Folkhälsan Education

    • Tomas Järvinen

      CEO, Folkhälsan Utbildning Ab

    • Tel:
      +358 40 584 4655

    • Contact
    • Jonna Danielsson


    • Tel:
      +358 44 488 3040

    • Jonna is in charge of invoicing at Folkhälsan Utbildning Ab

      Show more
    • Contact

Folkhälsan Research Centre

    • Anna-Elina Lehesjoki

      MD, PhD, Professor, Group Leader

    • Tel:
      +358 50 5058894

    • Contact
    • Jaana Welin-Haapamäki

      Executive Assistant

    • Tel:
      +358 50 539 5194

    • Contact

Folkhälsan Association

    • Viveca Hagmark

      Director, Folkhälsans förbund

    • Tel:
      +358 50 380 6716

    • Show more
    • Contact
    • Mia Käld

      Economics and administrative assistant, Folkhälsans förbund

    • Tel:
      +358 44 757 8866

    • Contact

Baby swim

    • Baby swim office

      Uusimaa, Korsholm, Vörå, Jakobstad

    • Tel:
      +358 9 315 5532

    • Contact
    • Baby swim Åland

    • Tel:
      +358 18 52 7042

    • Contact

Swim representative

    • Anna Hagman

      Swim representative Aaland islands

    • Tel:
      +35818 527 046

    • Contact
    • Camilla Lundberg

      Swim representative Ostrobothnia

    • Tel:
      +358 44 788 6034

    • Contact
    • Maria Hammarberg

      Swim coordinator and exercise groups in the Helsinki region

    • Tel:
      +358 44 788 6021​

    • Contact