Language arena

Language arena – for those who want to learn Swedish

This course is mainly aimed at those who have moved to Finland and want to learn Swedish and get to know their new homeland.

Två studerande övar tillsammans med läraren på svenska språket under Språkarenan.

The course is comparable to full-time study or 25 hours per week.
During the course of a year, as well as learning Swedish you learn how to use a computer and information technology. You will also learn words and expressions in Finnish. You will familiarise yourself with Finnish society and its culture. You will also learn about motion and diet, and take part in physical activities.

Course content:

Cultural studies
Social studies
Information technology and media
Physical education
Study visits etc.

Future courses


    • Sara Riska

      Temporary Rector Norrvalla

    • Tel:
      +358 40 912 9475

    • Contact