03 September 2024

Folkhälsan exits Estonian company

Folkhälsan will be removed from the shareholders’ register of the Estonian company United Pre IPO Capital AS.

Folkhälsan was entered into United’s shareholders’ register when Folkhälsan’s former CEO, Georg Henrik Wrede, on his own initiative invested in the company. The investment was done without the knowledge or approval of the rest of Folkhälsan’s management.

The investment was not in line with Folkhälsan’s investment strategy. Folkhälsan has for nearly half a year been engaged in fruitless discussions with United with the aim to exit the company. Folkhälsan has now found a solution where the Estonian company OÜ Likvideerimisteenused is entered into United’s shareholders’ register in stead of Folkhälsan.

- Unfortunately, the discussions with United were unsuccessful. This solution allows Folkhälsan to sever all ties with the company, says treasurer of Folkhälsan, Marcus Rantala.

- We will continue to implement Folkhälsan’s strategy and develop our operations. The contact with United is now closed from our side, says Siv Sandberg, chairman of Samfundet Folkhälsan. 


More information is provided by:

Marcus Rantala
treasurer of Samfundet Folkhälsan

Siv Sandberg
chairman of Samfundet Folkhälsan 