13 January 2024

Folkhälsan's CEO resigns

The Board of Directors of the Samfundet Folkhälsan accepted the resignation of CEO Georg Henrik Wrede at an extraordinary board meeting on Friday 12 January 2024. Wrede resigns with immediate effect.

The reason for the resignation is that Georg Henrik Wrede has acted against Folkhälsan’s internal principles regarding an investment matter. In the autumn of 2023, Wrede has invested 250,000 euros of Folkhälsan’s funds. Wrede did not inform the board of the investment and had not followed Folkhälsan’s general principles for investments.

As a result of the crisis of confidence, Georg Henrik Wrede decided on his own initiative to resign as CEO of Folkhälsan.

On its meeting on Friday 12 January, the Board of Directors of Folkhälsan decided that the matter should be thoroughly investigated. The Board instructs its auditing firm to carry out an external investigation. Folkhälsan will inform about the results of the investigation as soon as possible.

The Board appointed Samfundet Folkhälsan’s Administrative Director Niklas Talling as acting CEO of Samfundet Folkhälsan.

Additional information: Siv Sandberg, Chair of the Board of Samfundet Folkhälsan, siv.sandberg@folkhalsan.fi