Folkhälsan Utbildning Ab (Folkhälsan Education)

A modern sports educator

Folkhälsan Utbildning Ab (Folkhälsan Education) is a company that engages in sports, sales, occupational training, adult education, free training and youth workshops. We endeavour to be an educator that combines quality and professionalism in education and training with various specializations and current trends.

Folkhälsan Utbildning comprises the following units:

Each educational unit offers training in leadership, health, wellness, and sports. Our graduates are in a good position to find their place in the labour market and well-equipped to improve their own well-being.

The company functions as an umbrella organisation for the two Swedish-speaking sports courses organisers in Finland, the Solvalla and Norrvalla sports institutes, and also hosts the Resurscentret Föregångarna youth and employment workshop.

Folkhälsan Utbildning Ab is an active member of Urheiluopistojen Yhdistys (Finnish Sports Institutes) and widely networked within the Finnish-speaking sporting community. There are 14 sports institutes in Finland, and Solvalla and Norrvalla are two of them. All these institutes are under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The target groups of Resurscentret Föregångarna are jobseekers, students who need support in – or  are considering dropping out of – their studies, as well as the so-called NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training). In terms of age, the target group is people aged 16 to 65. Resurscentret Föregångarna engages in preventive work to minimise the risk of social marginalisation.

As an active organisation in the area of sport, Folkhälsan Utbildning is strongly connected with Finlands Svenska Idrott (the central organisation of Swedish-speaking sports associations in Finland) and also shares training resources with it. At Norrvalla, we share the training facilities with the Vörå sports college that operates at the Norrvalla campus. In Solvalla, the Solvalla campus is being expanded and renovated.

Folkhälsan Utbildning also participates in Nordic cooperation and focuses on increasing its expertise, as well as the range and quality of its activities, through increased Nordic collaboration. 

Collaboration and interaction with institutions of higher education are an important element of our activities – projects and Open University courses organised in cooperation with Åbo Akademi University/Centre for Lifelong Learning and the University of Helsinki are ongoing. We are also collaborating on a Nordic project with Umeå University and on other courses with the Arcada University of Applied Sciences.

Read more about our activities.


    • Tomas Järvinen

      CEO, Folkhälsan Utbildning Ab

    • Tel:
      +358 40 584 4655

    • Contact
    • Anna Pensar-Kuivamäki

      Rector, Norrvalla & Solvalla

    • Tel:
      +358 50 577 2548

    • Contact
    • Petra Bengs

      Manager, Resurscentret Föregångarna

    • Tel:
      050 913 1133

    • Contact
    • Henna Hertsbacka

      Finance Manager

    • Tel:

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